After staying in a place longer than 2-3 nights is always a little bit sad and strange if you have to leave again. Though it is always exciting to discover new terrains without question! You leave people behind you became friends with and you leave a sort of your comfort zone once again. It is amazing how quick you get used to little luxury things like knowing where you can buy something, where you can have your next shower, doing your laundry or just where you going to sleep the next night. On the other hand exactly these “mysteries” make your voyage so interesting…
Anyhow for us it is time to say goodbye once more to all our friends over here, to all the birds which are used meanwhile to get fresh bread crumbs from us in the morning and to our housemates, the possums. Probably we will never go again fishing that often and we will never eat so much fish again. We always found it fabulous going out to the rocks for fishing, never mind the weather really. Every time it is different, you see new things. Either a manta ray, some seals or dolphins are passing by or you can see enormous cloud formations or magical rainbows or romantic sunsets…
Apropos „goodbye“! For Kerstin it was time to say goodbye as well to one of her favorite shirts… more holes than merino wool after 20 month on the bike.
For our last two days in Tasi we planned a nice route and we are lucky that we found people on the road who will host us. At the moment we have very stormy weather; sometimes we think we are going to fly away together with the shack the next second. Somehow funny, because we had nearly the same conditions when we arrived here two month ago… The wind will take us away to new terrains…