Tag Archives: Holiday

On the road again?!?

Blog_07_2015-051More or less we are continuously on the road! We both have a job and travel is limited to the weekends and vacation periods for the moment. Every free minute we use to explore and in our mind we are anyhow always on the road – back in memories or planning to continue our dream one day. Next would be the Pan Americana and there are many more places we have not seen yet! And of course we have to go back to the places we have been and visit all the lovely people we became friends with!!!

Kerstin meanwhile got her own motorbike, an Honda TransAlp, and that means many lessons to learn ;-) Our next “short trip” is coming closer: 23 days for Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Montenegro – maybe Albania as well. At least a period to smell the freedom once again!

With Regards to all our friends we met and the ones who always believe in our dreams.

Some impressions of our everyday life:

Happy New Year 2014!


Thank you New Zealand, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, East Timor and Australia for the people we met, the friendly welcome everywhere, the roads we rode, the food we could taste, the adventures we could master, the experiences we made and finally thank you for all the dust in our faces ;) All the best Kerstin and Sascha, www.RTWbyBIKE.com

Ps.: There will be an update soon, I promise! Just don´t know when we will have the time to do so ;) Busy days these days…