Category Archives: Preparation

Godspeed to our BIG LADY!

Now it becomes really real: Our Big Lady is picked up and on her way to New Zealand via Hamburg!
The crate was prepared in the morning and the Big Lady fixed as good as it gets – thank you Simon for your helping hands! – Everything was ready and the crate was closed and covered waiting for the departure at 12pm… When the driver arrived at 4 PM and took out the hand forklift, putting it in position, he just mentioned: “It´s not fitting guys” WHAT??? An extremely stressing situation was approaching us – the” feet” are too big, but on them already 400kg and no proper tools are available at all. What to do? After trying to cut the feet of the crate (thanks to Gordon we found a solution) in the end to lift the box on to some extra pallets! The driver, who was kindly enough waiting and watching us some hours, is gone now… hopefully, taking care of our Big Lady!

… days went over quite quickly… we had some last moment changes, but SPECIAL THANKS TO Anne and Oli as well to Ansgar and Sven we always found asylum to spend our last moments in Germany, enjoying the company of nice friends and waiting for the last official papers… Four days to go from now on… feels unreal and becoming real at the same time… The world is waiting for us… here we go. See you down the road somewhere.

The bike will leave us tomorow ;°°°°°(

Nothing else we can do for the moment:  Every screw is cleaned and polished in every single corner, shining like new (is this our bike? ;-) modified as we need it for the trip and ready to go into the crate tomorrow and get picked up by the truck… and we really pray that the guy will know well what he is doing!